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Libyan Revolution Update: Enjoying "Democracy" 
作者:[Tony Cartalucci] 来源:[] 2012-05-14
摘要:More for Syria to look forward to, after UN/NATO operations.

Source: landdestroyer.blogspot.com

And Libya's US-proxy prime minister, Abdurrahim el-Keib, a chairman of the BP, Total, and Shell-funded Petroleum Institute, is not the only one on the newly freed Libyan people's list. Members of the Transitional National Council (TNC) have also been periodically attacked or kidnapped over similar grievances, while entire cities have unilaterally declared autonomy from Tripoli. 

These latest, and very predictable developments in Libya should give pause for thought to both Syrians thinking of defecting to a rebellion that will only become more violent and lawless after "victory," and to presumptuous opposition leaders who mistakenly envision another day of peace in their lives should they come to power at the hands of vicious terrorist gangs, backed by self-serving, destructive foreign interests.

As other groups of Syria's opposition have undoubtedly discovered, political reform and inclusion in a functioning Syria is more beneficial than ruling over the fractured, lawless, dystopia Libya has been transformed into. Instead of Syrians drifting away from the government's pro-reform efforts in Syria under threat of Western extortion, with Libya as a clear sign of things to come, they should pull together more closely. 

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