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Henry Kissinger: We must destroy the Chongqing Model 
作者:[Thread] 来源:[] 2012-03-23

(Xinfajia editor's note: There is no way yet to prove the truthfulness of the report. The readers should use their own discretion.)


In September of 2011, Kissinger visited Chongqing and wrote a secret report to the US government. Kissinger was former president Nixon's National Security Advisor, Secretary of State and former president Ford's Secretary of State. In January 1973, Kissinger concluded the negotiations for the Vietnam War, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In January of 1977, Ford awarded Kissinger the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Kissinger was a Jew, a China strategist, and one of the people who secretly conducted negotiations for US recognition of China. In the past century, Kissinger helped destroy the Soviet Union through pushing towards US recognition of China. He visited China 20 times, and after visiting, will always write a secret report for the US government. The report for 2011 has been leaked.

1. In 2012, China is facing a new leadership transition. Decisions have already been made. Although instability is possible, this is an unknown variable, but China's internal "software" determines the fate of the world and the US.

2. What is most fearful for us, is China's unity. The unity of leadership, the unity of political and economic elites, the economic elites using donations to gain public approval, the bending of the economic elite's will towards the political elite... there is no doubt that this sort of stability and unity can lead to China's growing strategic space, encroach on US strategic space, and in the future Sino-US conflict, emerge as victor. The failing Wall Street Model is already dragging down Western economies. China in the next 5 years will have the ability to directly face off with the US. The US must suppress China in this time. Only through this can we have a hope of slowing down China's development.

3. The US must destroy the Chongqing Model. Before the US can openly manipulate the political process in China, the greatest threat from China is the government allowing the Chongqing Model to develop. The greatest danger of the Chongqing Model is that it increases the legitimacy and public support for China's government. It is just like the Chinese Civil War: it has gained the support of the vast majority of people, played down internal conflicts, and I estimate that it has given China's elites at least more 10 years of breathing space before internal contradictions become unmanageable. This is contrary to US goals.

4. The US has another reason to destroy the Chongqing Model. The Central Government approved a "Develop the West" plan, and if Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Chongqing become a major economic region with its own stock exchange, China's economic efficiency would increase exponentially. This economic wave would sweep the world, and the US would be forced to play by China's rules in an unprecedented economic model. I however also think that India may create an entirely new economic model.

5. The US has another reason for destroying the Chongqing Model. This is because the Chongqing Model has ideological attraction; if China allows this model to flourish, then protestors in Western nations would begin to see the contradictions between a successful Chongqing Model and the failing Wall Street Model. At this time, Western nations are unable to solve their internal debt problems, while the Chongqing Model could inspire Latin American, African and Middle Eastern nations to mimic it and reduce capital flows to the West. Despite China choosing its own political path, it is obvious that under the Chongqing model and China's heavily subsidized state owned industries, China's economy has gained greater ideological attraction. This is a threat to US strategic space. I do not know how great American losses would be, but when Occupy Wall Street broke out, they were directionless. This may give them direction. I do not know if the US citizenry may or may not vote for a C********t Party of the USA, but if the Tea Party or Democrat/Republican internal reforms fail to distract them, we may see new conflicts emerge. I cannot promise that Europe will not fall. The citizenry are waking up.

6. The US must attempt to influence China's Chongqing Model through our proven experience in the Soviet Union. We must use authors, journalists, and the media to attack the Chongqing Model's credibility, using both covert and overt resources to support them. We must support separatism and instability in China's western regions. At the same time, we must gain support among our European and Asian allies to speak out against China's human rights situation and direct specific criticism towards the human rights violations in Chongqing. China's leaders think we're idiots. They think that the South China Faction (a faction made up of liberals and capitalists) and a few liberal papers like South China Morning Post can distract the US from China's reality. Although China's traditional appetite for foreign expansion is not strong, any increase in their power must be a corresponding decrease in US power. This is our last opportunity. If we do not unleash our covert media assets now, if we do not give liberal authors, bloggers, artists, lawyers, intellectuals, business owners and the corrupt officials we control the ability to retaliate, they will never have this chance again.

The traditional weakness of Chinese has been their tendency for internal conflict. A united elite is the greatest of our worries. For the US, a military conflict against China is unthinkable. That is why to preserve the interests of the US, we will fight to the last Chinese liberal. As for their interests, we will try our best to protect them, but it must never conflict with US policy goals.

·H. G. Wells:盲人国
·Martin Powers:小心西方诡辩束缚中国话语
·《五月花号公约》(Mayflower Compact)
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