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作者:[陆寿筠] 来源:[自译自英文原稿] 2009-11-28


Lang Yan 先生对我们《二分不等于二元》一文的回应题为《一分为二还是合二而一》(One divides into two, or two fuse into one,见附后)。又是非此即彼!他整篇文章是要告诉我们:应是“一分为二”,而不该是“合二而一”。但他又说:“无产阶级的任务是它作为一个阶级的自行消亡,通过创造一个新世界而终止自己的存在。这意味着所有阶级的消亡,而不是阶级利益的平衡。”

那么我们要问:当上述目标达到以后,“一分为二”是否还有效?如果继续有效,那么那个“新世界”将分成“二”个什么呢?Lang Yang先生也许会说“分成不是叫做‘阶级’的群体。”那么这些“群体”是否将保持“分”的状态呢?如果没有不同利益的动态平衡,你又怎么能够肯定这些“一分为二”的群体不会重新发展成阶级呢?也就是说,“一分为二”的原则与不再有阶级分化的前景这两者之间如何能够达成一致呢?这种自相矛盾的说法,与那个说他的矛可以刺穿任何盾、他的盾又可抵御任何矛、结果被人家问倒的寓言人物的处境何其相似乃尔!

当然,Lang Yan先生是无论如何都不会同意这些属于不知什么类别的“群体”“合二而一”的。但实际上,根本无需“合”,任何时候、任何地方都不需要,因为任何社会关系,无论是否是对立性的,其双方总是作为“”个有机整体存在的,只是它们需要通过这样那样的方式持续不断地保持内部和对外的平衡,除非其中一方或者双方作为一个整体拒绝被平衡、于是被更高层次(或“维度”)上趋向平衡的客观要求所除灭。如果这种实现平衡的客观要求在某一层面上长期受到压制,以致不平衡的状况发展到极端,或者向更高层次推移、最终达到人与自然关系的层次而得不到纠正,那么自然就会无情地将人毁灭。所以,最好还是从最基层的动态平衡做起,将其不断向上推进。因此我们坚信多维整体的动态平衡,而不信什么“分”啊“合”的。




Lang Yan 先生指责新法家“将资本主义(性质的)对抗民族化”(nationalization of capitalist antagonism),他说:“新法家在谈到民族差别时强调二分,而谈到阶级差别时则强调和谐”(when talking about national differences the New Legalists stress dichotomy, and when talking about class differences they stress harmony)。言下之意,我们故意淡化阶级斗争,为的是追求“民族主义”目的。要知道,“民族主义”这顶帽子在西方主流辞令中代表着一种很坏的名声。

但是我们要问:西方资本主义国家与处于其金融垄断资本剥削和控制之下的受害国家之间的冲突是否也具有阶级性质?事情的真相是:西方各国政府一直在利用他们的国民军,即属于其“民族”国家的军队,对于不愿屈从其垄断金融资本意愿的所有“民族”国家加以征服、控制、威胁,而这一切都是在帝国主义者的所谓“爱国主义”一种最坏的民族主义”— 的旗号下进行的;而同时对于不屈从的受害者和像我们这样的批评者他们又一直在攻击为“民族主义者”。那么究竟是谁在真正地“将资本主义(性质的)对抗民族化”?难道不是西方垄断资产阶级及其辩护士们,倒是像我们这样的不倦地揭露其剥削和野蛮行径的阶级实质的人们?我们的揭露有网站上的诸多文章为证。


Lang Yan 先生反对“合二而一”、坚持“一分为二”的哲学立场,一旦化作政治话语,就成了一概反对劳资之间在任何情况下的“利益平衡”。但是,既然他承认“今日世界的问题不是资本主义本身,而是垄断金融资本的全球化”(The problem with the world today is not capitalism per se, but the globalization of monopoly finance capital),那么我们要问:例如,在发展中国家当地的小型私人企业中,劳资之间通过不断的互动、以互让为原则(而不仅是以“资本的原则”)达成某种程度的、有条件的妥协,以最大限度地孤立他们的共同敌人–国际垄断资本势力以及代表其利益的各国买办阶级 -- 就绝对不需要、也不可能吗?如果真是这样,那么是不是意味着毛泽东关于抓住主要矛盾、建立针对主要敌人的广泛的统一战线的思想已经过时了呢?究竟是哪条思想路线,是毛泽东的路线、还是与之相反的路线,其结果将是“阶级斗争、剥削和他们的[垄断资本家的]野蛮行径更加维持久长”(the elongation of class struggle, exploitation, and their [monopoly capitalists’] brutality)?


Lang Yan先生断言我们是在“逃避历史”(escape history),因为我们没有按照西方人的线性思维方式将历史看作必然的具有“矢量”的 “进步”。现在我们要问的是:这里的“进步”一词究竟指的是什么?是古罗马军团从地中海沿岸向着欧亚大陆纵深的挺“进”?还是现代欧洲殖民者在全世界“一步步”的军事和经济扩张?还是当代超级大国全球霸权的“步步”实现?还是如上“历史”所示,为了将一小撮寄生者们的钱包加速塞满,人类大规模杀戮手段的“大踏步”改“进”?还是人对于自然“步步进逼”的肆意破坏?所有这些都究竟是什么样的“进步”?这样的“历史”你难道不想“逃避”?但是所有那些“进步”的受害者们都想!一切无视上述真相的“阶级斗争”话语都是空论,如果不是更有害的话。






我们新法家与Lang Yan先生怀着一个共同的理想,那就是铲除肆虐全球的垄断金融资本、创造一个没有阶级斗争、剥削及其野蛮行径的新世界。可惜,关于如何实现这个理想,我们的思路并不相同。因此就有了这场辩论。要是没有新法家的存在,或没有Lang Yan先生的思想信念存在,就不会有这场辩论。正是在这个意义上,虽然我们现在分属两个思想流派,但若要为实现共同理想、以及为了友好的甚至同志般的合作、共同探讨出一套健全的方略来,我们之间就是相互依存的。这场辩论就是为了避免如像“阶级敌人”之间那样永远地“一分为二”、甚至你死我活地反复争斗,而力求实现我们所企望的动态平衡的一种积极方式(“阶级敌人”一词之所以置于引号内,那是因为:这一顶被“一分为二”派用之于意识形态分歧的“帽子”,对于我们依然记忆犹新)。



 Lang Yan先生原文:


One divides into two, or two fuse into one


The New Legalists have responded to my earlier critical post on their nationalization of capitalist antagonism. They counter my argument by stating that they “neither fail to see the mutual accommodation and complementarity between Chinese and Western thought nor ignore class divisions in China and the West in the past or at present.” The problem, as I pointed out in my last post, is that when talking about national differences the New Legalists stress dichotomy, and when talking about class differences they stress harmony.

Most troubling is their belief in a “dynamically-balanced multi-dimensional whole,” which leads to a politics of regulating capital and balancing class forces. The problem with the world today is not capitalism per se, but the globalization of monopoly finance capital. Philosophically, the New Legalists argue that, for the Chinese dialectics that they base their politics upon, the two sides of a dichotomy (for example, two classes) “while opposed to each other, also depend on each other, and the dynamics of the two tending towards a mutual balance represents the Way of all changes.” The tendency they stress here is towards balance, two fuse into one, not one divides into two: “Classical Chinese theories,” they state, “whether on political economy or on medicine, share the same principle: ‘The way to cope with changes is to guide them towards balance’ (Yellow Emperor’s Four Canons, Chap. 1).” The New Legalists stress the difference of these classical Chinese theories with “Western learning,” which is a form of “dualistic thinking,” and is “one-sided, ‘absurd’ and ‘flippant’….”

The goal here is to escape history. The New Legalists argue that classical Chinese thinking had no “implication of ‘progress’ as is innate in the linear way of thinking adopted by Western philosophy.” It has no “vector.” No progress, no vector, no history. In their words, “if we are always arguing for or oscillating between absolutely uncompromisable class struggle and absolutely unconditional class co-operation through endlessly repeated ‘negation of negation’, then we would also get stuck in ‘a dilemma involving two extremes’.” And it is that dilemma of “Western learning” that must be escaped. If westerners only thought about the relationship between classes in a more Chinese manner, we might be able to depart from the “ruthless class conflicts” of our society and their “disastrous consequences.”

Escape from cycles of the negation of negation and from class struggle, however, means the continuation of class society. Thus instead of the working class bringing about its auto-destruction, ending classes as such, the New Legalists call for a compromise: “is not there also room sometimes for co-operation between conflicting classes?” They call for a balanced and “principled” compromise between the exploited and the exploiters, between capital and the proletariat. As I critiqued in my last post, the formation of an “organic social body,” to use the New Legalist term, is the objective (this organicist or corporatist language is a warning sign for a potentially dangerous politics): “Our goal is to work for the establishment of an organic social body based on a balanced relationship between different social classes.”  But what is the nature of a principled compromise between capital and the working class? Isn’t that what we have today—a society in which capitalist principles rule and the working class compromises? Contrary to the New Legalists’ contention, we need to be clear that while classes exist, class conflict will continue. The only principle of compromise is that of capital and its market, its rule of value, its globalization. The capital-working class relationship is by definition exploitative. Some live off the work of others. Capital can not persist, cannot expand as it must, without extracting surplus value. The task of the proletariat is its auto-destruction as a class, to cease to exist by creating a new world. This means the end of all classes, not a balancing of class interests. Rather than escaping history and class struggle, the balance the New Legalists propose is just the elongation of the history of class struggle, exploitation, and their brutality on into the eternal, futureless present.


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