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California Democratic Party to Obama: End the Occupation & Air War in Afghanistan 
作者:[Marcy Winograd, etc.] 来源:[] 2009-11-21
摘要:A resolution co-authored by 36th Congressional District candidate Marcy Winograd, Progressive Caucus Chair Karen Bernal, and author Norman Solomon.



At the California Democratic Party Executive Board meeting in San Diego last weekend, Party leaders passed a resolution co-authored by Marcy Winograd, 36th Congressional District candidate, calling on President Obama to set a timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan while ceasing air strikes that cause heavy civilian casualties. The President is currently weighing whether to send another 35,000 troops to Afghanistan.

Former Marine and Afghanistan veteran Rick Reyes came to support the resolution, saying, "I've been to the war zone and I know from experience there is no military solution to this conflict." The resolution, which urges an increase in humanitarian aid, passed without dissension on the floor. It also received the support of the Party's Chair, John Burton.

Said Winograd, “On the heels of this resolution passing, we need every state Democratic Party to pass a similar resolution calling for an end to the U.S. occupation and air war in Afghanistan. Bring the veterans to the table, bring our young men and women into the room, and transform a foreign policy that only breeds more enemies. I am encouraged that this resolution passed without dissent. Our voices must not be ignored, for ours are the voices of reason and hope that elected Barack Obama to the White House."

Read the resolution below, also co-authored by Progressive Caucus Chair Karen Bernal and author Norman Solomon

End the U.S. Occupation & Air War in Afghanistan

WHEREAS the California Democratic Party, concerned citizens and lawmakers are calling for a U.S> exit strategy from Afghanistan that will end the occupation and air war while ensuring the safety and security of our troops, our nation, and the region; while even the U.S. Ambassador General Karl Eikenberry expresses concern about corruption in the Afghan government and our inability to stabilize the situation; and

WHEREAS the plight of women in Afghanistan is such that they continue to bear an especially heavy price under an eight-year occupation, and that far from eradicating the Taliban and other insurgencies, the presence of foreign troops has instead strengthened them, creating greater insecurity, death and impoverishment of the Afghan, people; and

WHEREAS a majority of Americans are increasingly disturbed about the toll the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan is taking on the honorable young men and women who have been killed and wounded, on the families of the these young men and women, as our involvement there continues to cost billions each month while the United States and particularly the state of California are in an economic crisis without money to fund domestic needs;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the California Democratic Party, in addition to reiterating its support for a time-table for withdrawal of our military personnel, calls for an end to the use of mercenary contractors, as well as an end to air strikes that cause heavy civilian casualties, and urges our President to oversee a redirection of our funding and resources and to include an increase in humanitarian and developmental aid, multi-party talks aimed at ensuring a democratic and legitimate representation of the people of Afghanistan, as well as multi-party regional diplomacy for the safety and stability of neighboring countries; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the California Democratic Party Congressional delegation, as well as to President Obama.

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