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Reports of mass suiside threat and labor conditions in China's Foxconn, world's largest contract manufacturer for Microsoft, Apple, Dell and HP, etc. 
作者:[Xinfajia] 来源:[] 2012-01-12

Foxconn and Apple Fail to Fulfill Promises

A detaild investigation report on Foxconn labor conditions
by sacom.hk

Did 300 Workers at an Xbox 360 Factory Threaten Mass Suicide?

A news report
by Sarah Kessler

·Andrew Batson:通胀难题席卷全球
·Laura Mandaro:中国的烟雾+电力需求=市场机会
·Perry Anderson:中国是如何被扣上“专制主义”的大帽子的?
·Andrew Taylor:中国已成世界血汗工厂?
·Alexandra Harney:劳资纠纷困扰珠三角外企
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