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Join the March Against Monsanto and Help Spread the Word! 
作者:[stopkillingourworld] 来源:[] 2013-05-10
Source: stopkillingourworld.tumblr.com

Where will you be on May 25, at 11 a.m. Pacific time? Tami Monroe Canal, a dedicated mom and grassroots organizer, hopes you’ll be marching against Monsanto. Along with tens of thousands of other protestors, on six continents, in 250 cities, in 36 countries around the world.We will not stand for cronyism. We will not stand for poison.

Tami organized the March Against Monsanto on behalf of her two daughters, and children everywhere, whose health is being threatened by the Most Hated Corporation in the World. She hopes you’ll join in!

If youre organizing a march in your area, the OCA has flyers, posters and stickers available to help you spread the word about Monsantos poisonous takeover of the worlds seeds and crops. Please call our office, at 218-353-7651, if you need materials to hand out on May 25.


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