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作者:[翟玉忠] 来源:[作者惠赐] 2018-08-23







学术成为一个国家的商业和政治工具,这在二十世纪以前的人类历史中极其罕见。只有在二十世纪以后,学术才成为美国攫取中国核心利益的超级战略武器。用美国著名教育家、伊利诺大学校长埃德蒙·詹姆士(EdmundJ. James,1855~1925年)的话说:“道义精神上的主宰比军旗更必然地为商贸开辟道路。”


这句话源于1906年初,詹姆士向总统西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)提交的《关于向中国派出教育使团的备忘录》。该备忘录开始只在私下流传,1907年被美国基督教公理会传教士明恩溥(Arthur Henderson Smith,1845~1932年)收录在《今日的中国与美国》一书。


















由是美国朝野进一步认识到了精神上控制中国的重要性。时任美国驻华公使,通晓中文和藏文的汉学家柔克义(William W. Rockhill)向罗斯福总统建议:以退还庚子赔款的形式平息中国人的愤怒,同时用这些钱供中国政府派遣学生赴美留学之用。


柔克义是中国通,在同受过美国教育的清政府官员的接触中,他意识到这些人所造成的政治影响完全符合美国战略利益。早在1905年初,他就在写给一位参议员的信中呼吁允许接收中国学生就读西点军校,理由是:“我不能设想还有比向他们提供我们的教育设施所能提供的便利更为有益的事——不仅对他们来说,而且最终对我们来说。从与许多在美国接受教育的中国官员的长期接触中,我完全有信心地说这些人对他们国家和人民所产生的影响绝对是符合我们利益的。已有不少中国的海军军官在美国接受教育,他们中许多人已享有盛名。我相信如果有可能允许中国学生进入西点军校,将会获得同样令人满意的结果。”(转引自崔志海:《关于美国第一次退还部分庚款的几个问题》,载《近代史研究》 2004年01期。)




先是1905年7月12日,柔克义写信给罗斯福总统,力陈将退款用于教育的重要性,明确反对康乃尔大学教授精琪(Jeremiah Jenks)提出的,将退款用于清政府货币改革的建议。货币改革显然是中国急需的,但柔克义的理由很简单——这一方案不切实际。





















(转引自张静:《美国“退还”庚款和在华“兴学”论析》,载《天津师大学报》社会科学版, 1997年06期)













文/Edmund J. James    译/翟玉忠   校/陆寿筠 

 东方近期的发展表明了中美关系注定会更加紧密,无论在社会层面,还是文化层面和商业层面。中国人会来到我们国家学习我们的制度和工业。一个明显的证据是中国使团(Chinese Commission,即清廷派出的出洋考察团——译者注)当下或近来在我国的考察。我们的人也会去中国学习他们的制度和工业,所有促进相互交往和增进互相了解的努力一定有益于两个国家。











    Memorandum concerning the sending of anEducational Commission toChina


                                             by Edmund J. James, President


The recent developments in the Orient have madeit apparent thatChinaandtheUnited Statesare destined to come into ever more intimate relations, social, intellectual,and commercial. The Chinese will come to this country for the purpose ofstudying our institutions and our industry. A striking evidence of this fact isafforded by the work of the Chinese Commission now or lately in theUnited States.Our own people will go toChinafor the purpose of studying Chinese institutions and industry. Anything whichwill stimulate this mutual intercourse and increase mutual knowledge mustredound to the benefit of both nations.


A great service would be done to both countriesif the Government of the United States would at the present juncture send aneducational commission to China, whose chief function should be to visit theImperial Government, and with its consent each of the provincial governments ofthe Empire, for the purpose of extending through the authority of theseProvinces to the young Chinese who may go abroad to study, a formal invitationon the part of our American institutions of learning to avail themselves of thefacilities of such institutions. The appointment of such a commission woulddraw still closer the bonds which unite these two great nations in sympathy andfriendship.


Chinais upon the verge of a revolution. It will not,of course, be as rapid as was the revolution inJapan, if for no other reason,because of the vast numbers of the nation and the enormous extent of itsterritory. But it is not believed that this revolution which has already beguncan ever again suffer more than a temporary backset and reaction.


Every great nation in the world will inevitablybe drawn into more or less intimate relations with this gigantic development.It is for them to determine, each for itself, what these relations shall be, —whether those of amity and friendship and kindness, or those of brute force and' the mailed fist.' TheUnited  Statesought not to hesitate as to itschoice in this matter. The nation which succeeds in educating the young Chineseof the present generation will be the nation which for a given expenditure ofeffort will reap the largest possible returns in moral, intellectual, andcommercial influence. If the United States had succeeded thirty- five yearsago, as it looked at one time as if it might, in turning the current of Chinesestudents to this country, and had succeeded in keeping that current large, weshould to-day be controlling the development of China in that most satisfactoryand subtle of all ways, — through the intellectual and spiritual domination ofits leaders.


Chinahas already sent hundreds, indeed thousands, ofits young men into foreign countries to study. It is said that there are morethan five thousand Chinese studying in Japan, while there are many hundreds inEurope — three hundred in the little state of Belgium alone. This means thatwhen these Chinese return from Europe they will adviseChinato imitate Europe rather thanAmerica, —England,France, andGermany, instead of theUnited States. It means that theywill recommend English and French and German teachers and engineers foremployment inChinain positions of trust and responsibility rather than American. It means thatEnglish, French, and German goods will be bought instead of American, and thatindustrial concessions of all kinds will be made to Europe instead of to theUnited States.Now it is natural, of course, that the vast majority of Chinese youth should gotoJapanto study ratherthan to European countries or theUnited States, owing to itsproximity, to racial affinity, and to the smaller cost of  travel and living. On the other hand, theChinese are in many points jealous of the Japanese, and, other things beingequal, would often prefer to send their young people to other countries. Amongall these countries the United States would be the most natural one to choose,if it had not been for our anti-Chinese legislation, and still more for theunfriendly spirit in which we have administered this legislation, for theChinese Government at any rate never really objected to our legislationdirected toward preventing the immigration of Chinese labourers, but only tothe manner in which we passed such laws and the way in which we administeredthem.


We are the natural friends of the Chinese. Wehave been their real political friends. We have stood between the ChineseEmpire and dismemberment; we have come more nearly giving them the square dealin all our relations in the East than any other nation. They are consequentlyless suspicious of us, as far as our politics are concerned, than of any otherpeople. Their justly sore feeling over our treatment of Chinese gentlemen inour custom-houses will yield quickly to fair and decent conduct on our part. Itis believed that by a very small effort the good-will of the Chinese may now bewon over in a large and satisfactory way. We may not admit the Chineselabourer, but we can treat the Chinese student decently, and extend to him thefacilities of our institutions of learning. Our colleges and universities areto-day far better adapted for giving the average Chinese student what hedesires in the way of European civilisation, than the schools and colleges ofany European country. We need but to bring these facts to their attention inorder to secure their attendance here, with all the beneficial results whichwould flow from such an opportunity to influence the entire current of theirthought and feelings.


If a commissioner with one or two assistantswere sent to China representing the American Government in a formal way in thefield of education, and should extend to the Chinese people, through theGovernment at Peking and through the provincial governments, a cordialinvitation from the United States, and from the institutions of higher learningin the United States to avail themselves of these advantages exactly as theywould if they were their own institutions, it is apparent that a greatimpression might be produced upon the Chinese people. The Chinese appreciate, aswell as we, the compliment implied in sending a formal commission of this sortto another country. It is a recognition such as any country might be proud of,and the Chinese are a singularly proud and sensitive people in everything thatconcerns their own dignity.


Such a commission going to each of the Provinceswould have an opportunity to give the Chinese Government much information aboutthe United States and its educational institutions; and as the inquiries ofsuch governments would not be limited, of course, to education and educationalinstitutions, so the information spread abroad throughout China would notrelate simply to educational matters, but to industrial and commercial as well.It would be possible, through this method of coming in contact with influentialChinese, to recommend directly to them in response to their requests, Americanteachers, engineers, and other people whose services they might like to obtain.I mention this point especially because I know that the leading Chinese statesmenare anxious to get just the right kind of men from America and Europe asassistants in all sorts of business and governmental enterprises, having hadmyself, during the last year, four inquiries from different Chinese governmentsfor young men who would be willing to spend five or six years in the Chinesepublic service in responsible and influential positions.


In a word, the visit of such a commission wouldexert a manifold and far-reaching influence, exceeding greatly in value anypossible cost of the enterprise. It would have results in many unexpecteddirections outrunning all our present anticipations, and showing new andsurprising possibilities of usefulness in the fields of education, business,and statesmanship. The extension of such moral influence as this would, even ina purely material sense, mean a larger return for a given outlay than could beobtained in any other manner. Trade follows moral and spiritual domination farmore inevitably than it follows the flag.


(来源:ArthurHenderson Smith:China and America To-day——A Study of Conditions and Relations,FlemingH.Revell Company,1907,P213~218)

·翟玉忠:真正理解 “中国”不能离开经学
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