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Protesters Slam War Threats Against Iran (Video) 
作者:[grtv] 来源:[] 2012-02-06

Source and Video: tv.globalresearch.ca

Anti-war activists across the United States and Canada have held rallies to protest at US and Israeli warmongering policies against Iran, Press TV reports.

The demonstrations were staged on Saturday in 60 cities across the US, including Washington DC, New York, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and San Francisco. In Canada, protests were held in Calgary and Vancouver.

The protests were organized by a coalition of about 60 pacifist and human rights groups.

The demonstrators censured any possible military action against Iran, saying that any such measure could result in dire consequences including escalated war in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

The activists also demanded an end to sanctions against Tehran, referring to the embargoes as a war against the Iranian people.

In Washington DC, dozens of protesters amassed in front of the White House, chanting “NO sanctions, No war” and “Iran is a sovereign state.”

In New York, around 500 protesters assembled at Manhattan’s Times Square and rallied toward the headquarters of the US mission to the United Nations and the Israeli consulate, holding a large banner that read “No war, no sanctions, no intervention, no assassinations."

Elsewhere in Los Angeles, the demonstrators wore orange prison jumpsuits and black hoods similar to Guantanamo detainees in protest at Washington’s aggressive policies.

Similar events were also planned in Britain, Ireland and India.

The United States, Israel, and some of their allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program, and have used this pretext to push for international and unilateral sanctions against Tehran.

Washington and Tel Aviv have also repeatedly threatened Tehran with the "option" of a military strike over its nuclear program.

Iran refutes the Western allegations and insists that its nuclear program has a peaceful nature. The Islamic Republic also argues that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has every right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

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