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Fear Inc., The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America 
作者:[Wajahat Ali,] 来源:[] 2011-09-03

Source: crg.berkeley.edu
EDITOR’S NOTE: Throughout the whole history, "divide and rule" has been a classic strategy used by a handful of privileged parasites in order to maintain their expoitation and oppression of the majority of working people. What this report reveals is part of the most recent continuation of this most sinister scheme. ALL EXPLOITED AND OPPRESSED WORKING PEOPLES OF THE WORLD, UNITE!


 I’m proud to share a report I’ve been working on for nearly 6 months with the think tank Center for American Progress entitled, "Fear Inc., The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America."
Please forward this widely:
I was lead researcher and writer for this exposé on how 7 funders have given $43 million over 10 years to a small, inter-connected group of individuals and organizations responsible for mainstreaming fear, bigotry and hate against Muslims and Islam in America.
It was an epic undertaking and it took a "coalition of the willing" to pull it off.
Along with co-authors and researchers Eli Clifton, Matt Duss, Lee Fang, Scott Keyes, Faiz Shakir and great editorial help of Ed Paisely, Tara McGuinness and Sally Steenland, we have for the first time really dissected and exposed this network, categorized it, named all the names, connected the dots, traced the funding and $$ money trail, and shown the genesis of several fictitious, anti Muslim talking points that you hear on the mainstream news such as:
- "President Obama is a Muslim"
- "Sharia is a threat to America"
- "Mosques are Trojan Horses"
- "Radical Islam has infiltrated America, the government and mainstream Muslim organizations"
- "There is no such thing as moderate Islam. Traditional Islam is radical Islam"
- "Practicing Muslims cannot be loyal Americans" and so forth.
*The Network* can be broken into 5 categories:
1. The Money Trail - Funders
2. Islamophobia Scholars and Experts
3. Grassroots Organizations and Religious Right
4. The Media Megaphone
5. The Political Players
We’ve created this report at an important time in history where people are trying to exploit fear, hysteria and ignorance and divide Americans based on religious and ethnic lines. This has happened before to Jews, Catholics, Japanese Americans and Gays and Lesbians.
We’ve written this report for a mainstream, wide audience. This is meant to empower communities with knowledge, facts and information with the hopes of marginalizing these anti-American, divisive, fear-mongering voices so we can return to a moderate course and partake in civil discourse.
Please *widely forward* this report to your communities.  We do hope it helps push the dialogue forward in a healthy, constructive and meaningful way.
Here it is again:

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