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MICRO NEWS REVIEW: Free movement of labor & globalization 
作者:[The New Legalist] 来源:[] 2011-08-21
Washington is buzzing following an announcement by President Barack Obama’s administration that the U.S. now will focus its deportation efforts on illegal immigrants with criminal records or those who pose a threat to national security. The new rules also outline ways for those facing deportation, but having no criminal record, to remain in the U.S. and even apply for a work permit.

Advocates, while celebrating the news, said they would press the president for even more pro-immigration action. Opponents, including many Republican lawmakers, called it a massive amnesty plan.
The concept of globalization is so ambiguous that it is difficult for us to find a suitable definition.  According to general understanding, globalization implies, first, the free movement of production elements and goods. In reality, however, among the three production elements-capital, land and labor - only capital can move freely; the other two are bound inside each nation state.

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