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MICRO NEWS REVIEW: Pope Benedict XVI on current economic crisis 
作者:[The New Legalist] 来源:[] 2011-08-21
 Micro news:

Pope Benedict XVI has denounced the profit-at-all-cost mentality that he says is behind Europe’s current economic crisis, and says morals and ethics must play a greater role in formulating economic policy in the future.

Benedict made the comments Thursday …

The pope said, ``Man must be at the center of the economy and the economy must not be measured only by the maximization of profit but according to the common good.’’

Although the present and previous Popes of the Church have been critical of the Western society and also shown the good will for dialogues and communication with other religions and cultures, the Christian Church, however, cannot withstand at all the corrupting influences of the mainstream culture, either academic or that of mass media and entertainment, all stinking of mammonism. And it can neither recognize its own weaknesses and limitations.” 


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