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Alternative Medicine Is Under Attack 
作者:[admin] 来源:[] 2011-08-04
摘要:-- On the issue of high healthcare cost (2)

Source: edetoxify.com, Originally posted on 12. Nov, 2009 

It is unclear why AP would attack the alternative medicine industry so hard, but there are some sites speculating that AP has allied with pharmaceutical companies, promoting drugs and slamming hard on anything natural.

It started off from the new book of actress Suzanne Somers: ‘Knockout’, where it is talking about ‘cancer treatment’. Her new book was recently launched and various media publication quickly catched on the news and flamed the alternative treatment truths.

AP took this opportunity and further getting writers to further destroy the alternative medicine. Naturalnews.com reported that “AP is following a specific agenda to destroy the reputation of natural medicine while boosting public perception of pharmaceuticals. And yet, in reality, it is Big Pharma that has delivered no cures.”

“If it is true that the big pharmaceutical companies have to resort to bribing the media to discredit the alternative medicine, then it seems that alternative medicine has won half the battle. The alternative medicine works and the Big Pharma are starting to get afraid..” said Emma Deangela, a diet and health author.

The question whether alternative medicine truly helps one to cure disease or illness should be answered by the people who have used it and the truth would be revealed. Some alternative medicine blogs have a whole list of people commenting on the effectiveness of the alternative medicine and one could easily try it and test it out themselves.

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