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Flushing out Your Body’s Acids and Stay Alkaline 
作者:[Admin] 来源:[] 2011-07-31
摘要:-- On the issue of high healthcare cost (1)

 -- On the issue of high healthcare cost (1)


EDITOR’S NOTE: Healthcare cost in the U.S. accounts for too large a proportion of government and personal spending (17.4 percent of its GDP and twice as much as that spent on food) and it has ever been rising rapidly (e.g., more than three times in 2008 than in 1990). We will post articles explaining the reasons from time to time.

Among the major reasons for this as related to the individual is the prevailing unhealthy lifestyle, including food habits. This article provides crucial information on how to prevent all kinds of sickness by fundamentally changing our food habits, thus reducing our healthcare costs from the beginning.


There has been enormous research on the real causes of physical diseases, thanks to the great strides made by alternative medicine in this field. The insights that have emerged have been a real eye-opener, demolishing the popular myth that diseases are caused by external factors like microbes. Probably the most startling revelation of recent path-breaking researches is that acid alkaline imbalance in the human body is the prime factor in the onset of diseases.

An insight into pH balance: The normal human body is about 60% fluid. Naturally, like other fluids our body fluids also have an acid-alkaline (or acid-base) ratio called the pH, which is a balance between, positively charges ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming). The pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, which is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. The lower pH indicates the higher acidity of a solution whereas the higher pH indicates the lower acidity and higher alkalinity (or base nature) of a solution. The body fluids can either be neutral, acidic or basic. According to various researches, the human body functions best when these fluids are neutral, which is to say they are neither acidic nor basic, but has the pH value 7.0. This has remarkably no bearing on the acidity inside a stomach or colon, which is independent of the pH of body fluids. When these fluids are acidic, they are irritants. If 60% of the body is irritating then the remaining 40% has got to be in a chronic non-optimal state of performance. As gifted by Nature the human body continually strives to balance its pH ratio, but when this balance is lost for a period of time various symptoms and conditions of sickness set in.

Test your pH level: It is advisable to test our pH levels in order to take the first meaningful step towards a better health. By using a pH test strip, easily available in the market these days, one can determine one’s pH factor quickly without making a trip to a doctor. If your urinary pH shows a range of 6.0 to 6.5 in the mornings and 6.5 and 7.0 in the evenings, it shows your body is functioning within a healthy range. Similarly, if your saliva stays within the range of 6.5 to 7.5 throughout the day, then rest assured that your body is functioning normally. Ideally, you should test your pH an hour before taking your meal and a couple of hours after the meal. It is a good idea to test your pH on two days in a week.

Change your food habits: In order to reduce your acidity and achieve pH balance you must bring about a fundamental change in your food habits. Cut down on acid producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy, and increase the intake of alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid white flour, white sugar, and instead take vegetarian diet rich in complex carbohydrates and various micronutrients. Beverages like tea, coffee and soft drinks should also be avoided as much as possible. Instead of consuming white sugar and artificial chemical sweeteners prefer pure maple syrup and honey, as they are less acid forming.

“How To Kick Start The Alkaline Diet In 5 Steps, & Feel Incredible You Never Feel Before!” (video)

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