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Global poll: Wide dissatisfaction with capitalism 20 years after fall of Berlin Wall 
作者:[BBC] 来源:[] 2009-11-10


Date: 09.11.2009

Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a new BBC World Service global poll suggests that dissatisfaction with free market capitalism is widespread, with an average of only 11% across 27 countries saying that it works well and that greater regulation is not a good idea.

In only two countries do more than one in five feel that capitalism works well as it stands, according to the poll – the United States (25%) and Pakistan (21%).

The most common view is that free market capitalism has problems that can be addressed through regulation and reform – a view held by an average of 51% of more than 29,000 people polled by GlobeScan/PIPA.

An average of 23% feel that capitalism is fatally flawed, and a new economic system is needed – including 43% in France, 38% in Mexico, 35% in Brazil and 31% in Ukraine.

Furthermore, majorities would like their government to be more active in owning or directly controlling their country's major industries in 15 of the 27 countries.

This view is particularly widely held in countries of the former Soviet states of Russia (77%) and Ukraine (75%), but also Brazil (64%), Indonesia (65%), and France (57%).

Majorities support governments distributing wealth more evenly in 22 of the 27 countries – on average two out of three (67%) across all countries.

In 17 of the 27 countries most want to see government doing more to regulate business – on average 56%.

The poll also asked whether the break-up of the Soviet Union was a good thing or not.

While an average of 54% polled say it was a good thing, this is the majority view in only 15 of the countries polled. An average of 22% say it was mainly a bad thing, while 24% do not know.

Among former Warsaw Pact countries, most Russians (61%) and Ukrainians (54%) believe the break-up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing. In contrast, four in five Poles (80%) and nearly two-thirds of Czechs feel the disintegration of the USSR was a good thing (63%).

The results are drawn from a survey of 29,033 adult citizens across 27 countries, conducted for BBC World Service by the international polling firm GlobeScan, together with the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland.

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