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作者:[Sherwin Lu] 来源:[] 2008-09-11
摘要:A poem called back to mind by September 11, 2001 World Trade Center terror tragedy.
Author’s Note:  This poem was first written in Chinese ten years ago (March 26, 1998, http://www.xinfajia.net/article.asp?articleid=5086) and re-written in English on March 27, 2001. The September 11 World Trade Center terror tragedy that year called it back to my mind, and so did every anniversary ever since.


A cosmic soul, disembodied

permeating an earth aeons old

into galaxies it bloats

and into -ons invisible

    from day to day

         year to year…

Finally, it explodes

       falls apart


                    a        l           l

   o     v        e                  r


Eyeballs rolling in dust

Earlobes filled with dirt

Nose in deadly air gasping

Tongue and teeth at worms nibbling

Fingers in keyboard cracked

Legs under wheels twisted

Brain fossilised in desert sandiness

Heart fallen beneath abdomen



WHENCE did it belong?

WHEN its salvation?

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