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FROM THE READER: Genuine "Freedom" is nowhere in sight as of this time 
作者:[Leeliang] 来源:[] 2008-06-18
摘要:We also believe that there is such a thing called a genuine "Freedom" but it is nowhere in sight as of this time.


Editor's Note: The following letter is a feedback on the article 

"What’s Happened to American Democracy? – Silence on Impeachment against the President"


Many of us who live in the US for a long time already knew about this very fact but unfortunately those self-proclaimed and brainwashed neo-liberals or half-baked liberals on both sides of the Taiwan strait are still indulging in this kind of mirage of "freedom".

We also believe that there is such a thing called a genuine "Freedom" but it is nowhere in sight as of this time. Actually, to our surprise, Mao ZD was an absolute liberal in the sense of the liberation of human being from suppression of any kind and he had dedicated his whole life for it.

What freedom can be more "free" when the entire human race, not only the rich, are off from hunger and fear?



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