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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 10: Lifelong Mission(黄帝四经10: 立命) 
作者:[Anonymous Author] 来源:[] 2008-03-05
摘要:The Yellow Emperor in remote antiquity had a good moral character from the start and cherished the virtue of being truthful to the Tao....

(Translated by Sherwin Lu)

The Yellow Emperor in remote antiquity had a good moral character from the start and cherished the virtue of being truthful to the Tao. He practiced this virtue so perfectly as to be taken by all as a paragon. He looked for insights in all four directions single-mindedly, not to be interfered with by any selfish motives and interests. He did not neglect any direction, nor go to any extreme. He looked back and forth; he looked to the left and to the right. He did not stop studying things anytime while he was serving as a chieftain. That is how he was recognized as the common ancestor of all-under-heaven.

“From the Heaven I am receiving the mandate,” he said on assuming his position, “On the Earth I have gained a footing, and from the people I have won endorsement. I am the one person who is responsible for managing the Earth in the Heavenly way.” Then, he appointed the three highest officials under him, set up principalities, and helped the princes choose their ministers. He compiled almanacs and organized public affairs by the day, by the month, and by the year to help people keep pace with the cycles of the sun and the moon. He said: “Granted this vast land, I will follow in the Heaven’s footsteps for illumination. Revering the Heaven, cherishing the Earth, and holding the people dear, I help the disorientated find the right direction for their life and stick by the Tao, which is invisible but true. Revering the Heaven, cherishing the Earth, and holding the people dear, I help the well orientated carry on their lifelong mission and stick by the Tao, which is invisible but true. I cherish the people and they prosper. I cherish the land and it gives generously. I receive from my people … [missing words] … death, my position … If, in addition, I can cherish my kin and promote the virtuous and wise, then things would be nearly perfect.”


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