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Hot off the press: From Austerity to Prosperity: THE PUBLIC BANK SOLUTION 
作者:[webofdebt.com] 来源:[] 2014-02-07
Source: webofdebt.com/



Shock waves from one Wall Street scandal after another have completely disillusioned us with our banking system; yet we cannot do without banks. Nearly all money today is simply bank credit. Economies run on it, and it is created when banks make loans. The main flaw in the current model is that private profiteers have acquired control of the credit spigots. They can cut off the flow, direct it to their cronies, and manipulate it for personal gain at the expense of the producing economy. The benefits of bank credit can be maintained while eliminating these flaws, through a system of banks operated as public utilities, serving the public interest and returning their profits to the public. This book looks at the public bank alternative, and shows with examples from around the world and through history that it works admirably well, providing the key to sustained high performance for the economy and well-being for the people. Order here.


Read the Table of Contents
for a preview of what is inside --

by Hazel Henderson
Chapter 1
: From Bail-Outs to Bail-Ins: A Banking Dinosaur On Life Support

Chapter 14: The Reconstruction Finance Corporation: The Little-Known Public Financial Institution That Reversed the Depression and Funded World War II 

Chapter 25: Latin America: Breaking the Taboos of the Neoliberal Agenda
Chapter 36: Toward A New Theory of Money And Credit


Ellen Brown has written what will become one of THE most important books of our time. She eloquently educates us on how the democratization of money is the very foundation of a free society. Ellen brilliantly shows how money can be the current or currency that facilitates the spiritual experience of manifesting our collective intentions for a better world.   Her book is an absolute game-changer and a must read for all those interested in having a world that works for everyone. Buy it, read it, and tell everyone you know to do the same.
— Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money and Co-Founder of the Pachamama Alliance

This is a must read! Ellen Brown is the leader of the public banking movement and this masterful work is certain to become the go-to book for anyone interested in transcending the speculation-driven global financial system—and helping lay sound foundations for the fast-emerging New Economy.
– Gar Alperovitz, author of What Then Must We Do?, Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy at the University of Maryland and CoFounder of the Democracy Collaborative


Brown has done it again. The Public Bank Solution follows her Web of Debt, a brilliant analysis of privatized banking, how it has usurped the money creation power, and how we can get it back. Public banking is the antidote to corrupted, dysfunctional privatized banking, the way forward for sustainable long-term growth and prosperity. The Public Bank Solution explains an idea whose time has come.
Stephen Lendman, talk show host, author, How Wall Street Fleeces America

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