EDITOR’S NOTE:《人类向何处去:新世纪意识形态之较量与重组》(Where is the Mankind Heading for: Contests and realignments between ideologies in the new century) is the most recently published one of the several books authored by The New Legalist staff. It is actually a systemized collection of part of the author’s web articles in Chinese on philosophy and social science. As a matter of fact, a larger part of its content has already appeared in this English section of our website in the form of separate and independent articles, which were translated by the author himself. Here is the list of content with references for most sub-headings to those already translated and posted articles (or passages), from which the reader can get some idea of the author’s system of thought without reading the whole book. Any comment and criticism and any offer to help with the translation of the whole book into English will be welcome and appreciated.
Where is the Mankind Heading for: Contests and realignments between ideologies in the new century (in Chinese)
By 陆寿筠 (Sherwin Lu,Editor-in-chief of The New Legalist website, English section)
九州出版社 (Jiuzhou Press, Beijing, China),2013.
自序 Preface
引言 Introduction
I. Existence as it is: Formless and intangible, no mind-matter divide
1. 万物流变,“万法性空”
All things in a flux and devoid of a self-existent nature
2. 无体之本:无限潜在可能性
Intangible origin: Infinite potential possibilities
3. “超验混沌”不可言说:一个思想实验
“Transcendental chaos” beyond description: A thought experiment
The mind/matter issue in Eastern philosophical perspective (1)
4. “人化世界”:相对存在、有限可知
“Human-perceived world”: Relative existence and limited knowability
Origin of mind-matter divide
From relative existence to limited knowability
The mind/matter issue in Eastern philosophical perspective (2)
5. 心物之绝对二分:西方宗教与科学主义
Unbridgeable mind-matter split: Western religion and scientism
(1) 宗教与科学:社会功能各异,“心物对立”相同
Religion vs. science: Different in social functions while identical in mind-matter split
(2) 中西创世神话:两种形上景观
Chinese vs. Western origin myths: Two contrasting metaphysical visions
(3) 西方宗教内在对立两重性:心物对立之恶果
Inherent inconsistency in Western religion rooted in mind-matter split
Michelangelo Code & Western vs. Chinese Origin Myths
二、人类社会 :动态平衡之多维整体
II. Human Society: A dynamically-balanced multi-dimensional whole
- 人类意识结构:多维性、层次递进性
The Structure of Human Consciousness: Multi-dimensional constitution and multi-stage progression
(1) 意识结构多重侧面之分工互补
Complementarities between multiple aspects
(2) 意识结构整体之层次递进:从单纯直观到多维综合
Multi-stage progression: From direct perception to multi-dimensional integration
2. 人类社会之多维性、层次性
Human Society: Multiple dimensions and levels
(1) 人类社会多维时空的层次性
Levels in the multi-dimensional space-time of human society
(2) 多层次、多维度的社群网络
Multi-level and multi-dimensional network of social groupings
(3) 天-地-人:道-法-德
Heaven – earth – human individuals: The Dao – rule of law - virtue
Rule of Law in the Heaven-Earth-Human Dynamic Whole
http://www.xinfajia.net/english/4688.html (II - III.2)
Macro-society - micro-society – individuals: The three key levels of human society
Culture – politics - economy: A “Love-hate triangle” between legalism, Confucianism and Western liberalism
Traditional Chinese Culture: An Integrated Whole
(Section: “LEGALISM, CONFUCIANISM AND WESTERN LIBERALISM: A LOVE-HATE THREESOME”) http://www.xinfajia.net/english/6591.html
Equality in Political discourse vs. Inequality in Economic Relations:
III-IV. Falsely Labeled “Private” Economy vs. “Public” Politics/ Utopian “Freedom” vs. “Jungle Democracy”
Bring Social Science Back onto the Daoist Path, Part II: Culture Theory:
http://www.xinfajia.net/english/7278.html & http://www.xinfajia.net/english/7279.html
Heavenly Dao/justice - human desires/interests: Ultimate simplification of multiple levels
Traditional Chinese Culture: An Integrated Whole
http://www.xinfajia.net/english/6591.html (Section: “Justice (义) vs. Interest (利)”)
(7) 大自然恩赐-人类集体智慧-个体劳动:物质产品价值的三大源泉
Endowment from nature – human collective wisdom – individual labor: The three sources of value of all social products
Multi- vs. mono-dimensional perspective: Is capitalist productivity really “advanced”?
Productive-force-centrism: The Fatal Flaw in Socialist Political Economy
Big monopoly capital – medium and small non-monopoly capital – laboring class: The three major levels in world production relations
(2): Capital’s hegemony over values from all three sources
(3): Unjust capital: where it originates
(4): Ugly consequences of unchecked expansion of unjust capital
Bring Social Science Back onto the Daoist Path, Part I (2): Political Economy
Not Nationalism, but All-under-Heaven-ism: 3rd reply to Mr. Lang Yan
East - West, North - South, nation state – country bloc/cultural zone, economy – politics - culture: northern European “social democracies” viewed in a multi-dimensional context
Grass-roots enterprises – nation state – the global human community: The three key levels in a global democratic system
Equality in Political discourse vs. Inequality in Economic Relations:
V. Democracy Should Start from within Business Associations
From the multi-stage structure of human consciousness to a multi-stage election system: A tentative idea
3. 多维整体之动态平衡
Dynamic balance of the multi-dimensional whole
(1) 多维整体性之实质:动态综合平衡
Overall dynamic balance: The core nature of multi-dimensional wholeness
(2) 对立之“内化”与“外化”:中西历史之正反对比
Inward absorption-dissolution vs. outward extension-shift of social confrontations: China vs. the West historically
The Way towards Future: Chinese & Western social evolution patterns compared
Confrontational thinking: Common to the Left and the Right
Balance-Oriented vs. Confrontational Thinking: Daoist-Legalist Socialism vs. the Right & the Left (II - IV):
Capitalism / Tradional socialism
Dichotomies OK, Dualism No: In reply to Mr. Lang Yan -- II. “Two Extremes” do Not Make a Yin-Yang Unity
Productive-force-centrism: The Fatal Flaw in Socialist Political Economy
(4) 求衡思维:当代世界之七大关系
Balance-oriented thinking: The seven major pairs of relationships in contemporary world
Rule of Law in the Heaven-Earth-Human Dynamic Whole
http://www.xinfajia.net/english/4688.html (III-3 - IV)
Eastern Wisdom Can Help Solve Today’s Global Problems
-- A Study of the “Dynamically-Balanced Multi-Dimensional Whole” World View
Dichotomies OK, Dualism No: In reply to Mr. Lang Yan
1.New Legalists See Oneness in Dichotomies
Traditional Chinese Culture: An Integrated Whole
(Section: Dualist Fragmentization vs. Holistic Integration in Social Life and Thought)
Balance-Oriented vs. Confrontational Thinking: Daoist-Legalist Socialism vs. the Right & the Left (I, V):
Chinese tradition / Daoist-Legalist Socialism
Themes of the Times and Missions of the Proletariat
Neither “One Divides into Two” Nor “Two Fuse into One”: 2nd reply to Mr. Lang Yan
“Yin-Yang balance” vs. “unity of opposites” (or “one divided into two”)
Five-way correlation: The basic dynamic pattern of Yin-Yang balance
“Yin approach” vs. “Yang approach”
“Balance-seeking” and “non-(counter-Dao)-assertiveness”: Non-(counter-Dao)-assertive governance vs. Laissez-faire
Traditional Chinese Culture: An Integrated Whole
http://www.xinfajia.net/english/6591.html (Section: Daoist Wu Wei vs. Confucianist/Liberalist Laissez-faire)
Balance-seeking orientation and “inner sageness externalized in non-hegemonic statesmanship”: Staying proletarian materially (not owning means of production personally) and spiritually (not seeking personal ownership of means of production)
“Self” as relative being, holding on while ready to relinquish: To reverse confrontations into balanced relationships
The mind/matter issue in Eastern philosophical perspective (1)
http://www.xinfajia.net/english/9089.html (Section: Relativity of Selfhood: Hold on while Ready to Relinquish)
三、振兴东方哲学 抵制话语霸权
III. Revive Eastern philosophy to resist ideological hegemony
1. 实在论之延伸与否定:东方哲学之回归
Extension and negation of philosophical realism: Reversion to Eastern philosophy
Philosophical categories -- space, time, causality: From materialism to relativism
Epistemology: From materialism-vs.-idealism duality to mind-matter-as-one monism
Epistemology: From scientism to deconstructionism
(4)哲学方法论: 从形式逻辑回归模糊逻辑:从彼非矛盾律回归此非矛盾律
Philosophical methodology: From formal logic to fuzzy logic: From the Western law of non-contradiction to one in the Eastern sense
Philosophical methodology: From mechanistic substantialism to theory of dynamic relationships
Philosophical methodology: From quantification dependence to that on social relationship adjustment
Bring Social Science Back onto the Daoist Path
http://www.xinfajia.net/english/6082.html (II-4 Over-Dependence on Quantification)
Theoretical Physics: From “basic element” theory to “wave-particle duality” theory
Social Ethics: From atomistic-monolithic individualism-vs.-collectivism dichotomy to theory of multi-dimensional mutuality
Political Economy: From capitalist-imperialist hegemonic economics to multi-dimensionally balanced global political economy
The art of medicine and health preservation: From parts repairing to holistic mind-body harmonization
(1-5, 7-10) Return to Eastern Philosophy: Negation of philosophical realism (实在论) and its extensions in various
fields of academic thought (3-4)
2. 人类文明之阴阳五行:非线性历史观
The five-way Yin-Yang correlation in human civilization development: A non-linear conception of history
(1)百家争鸣 互补短长
Let a hundred schools of thought contend for mutual complementarity
Bring Social Science Back onto the Daoist Path, Part I (1): Eastern vs. Western Worldview
How Confucianism Departed From the Dao of Dynamic Balance
(2)文明碰撞 阴阳回旋
Mutual impact between different civilizations towards a dynamic Yin-Yang balance