Updated 2/8/2014
[ Report from The New Legalist ] Since the opening of The New Legalist website in 2007, besides having won a wide readership to the website, half a dozen books (in Chinese) have been published in China, reflecting the hard work and encouraging achievements in academic research of its staff members. Many passages from Zhai’s and Lu’s works have been translated into English and posted on this website. Any offer for help in the translation of these books into English will be welcome and appreciated. Here is the list:
翟玉忠 (Zhai, Yuzhong, general editor):
《道法中国—二十一世纪中华文明的复兴 》 (Daoist-Legalist China: The revival of Chinese civilization in 21st century ), 中央编译出版社, 2008.
《国富策—中国古典经济思想及其三十六计》 (The Way to Enrich the Nation: Classical Chinese economic thoughts and the thirty-six stratagems)中国友谊出版公司,2010. (Also a Korean translation published.)
《中国拯救世界—应对人类危机的中国文化》 (China Saves the World – Chinese culture being the solution to current human crises),中央编译出版社, 2010.
《中国商道—中国商人的长生久富之道》 (The Traditional Chinese Way of Doing Business for Sustainable Prosperity), 中央编译出版社, 2012.
《正名—中国人的逻辑》 (Rectification of Names:The traditional Chinese way of thinking), 中央编译出版社, 2013.
《国富新论:中国经济学轻重之术》 (New on the Wealth of Nations: The art of balancing in Chinese economics),中央编译出版社, 2013.
《礼之道: 中华礼义之学的重建》 (The Dao of Propriety: Rehabilitation of traditional Chinese ethics), 中央编译出版社, 2014.
华军(Hua, Jun, editor of the Chinese section):
《老子的法治思想:帛书<老子>里的文明真相》 (Laozi on Rule of Law: New annotations on Laozi according to Western Han Mawangdui silk version), 中国财富出版社, 2012.
Sherwin Lu (陆寿筠, Editor-in-chief of the English section):
《人类向何处去:新世纪意识形态之较量与重组》 (Where is the Mankind Heading for: Contests and realignments between ideologies in the new century),九州出版社,2013.
翟玉忠 (Zhai, Yuzhong) ,Sherwin Lu (陆寿筠) 联合主编,ed.:
《新法家说》第一辑,中英双语,The New Legalist, Vol. 1. in both Chinese & English,东方香港东方文化出版社 & Tri-City Press, NY, USA. 2010.
Any offer for help in the translation of these books into English will be welcome and appreciated.