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Staggering Hypocrisy 
作者:[Johnny Angel Wendell] 来源:[] 2013-06-03

Source: sfbg.com

Apparently, the Republicans in Congress are railing against food stamps -- fosters a "culture of dependency", they say.

A few things -- most of the beneficiaries of TANF are children -- who are dependents.

Secondly, who is more dependent on the government than a congressman?

Thirdly, also completely dependent on the government are the farms where food is grown or meat is herded. One such farmer is leading the charge in Congress against food stamps.

Fourth, "food stamps" are the biggest economic stimulation the government provides--about a buck seventy five for every buck spent on them. Contrast that with "weapons", where even the military wonders what benefit such spending does. 

Lots of people lost their jobs and homes through no fault of their own--and must learn "self-reliance"--while the people that caused this situation "had to be rescued".

Beating up on people that have little to placate the misguided hatred of same that is at the heart of every reactionary would be considered "bullying" on my kid’s schoolyard and cause to be expelled.

Expel these asxxxxes now.


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