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New GMO labeling bill will be the ultimate test between the will of the people versus the greed and power of the biotech industry 
作者:[] 来源:[] 2013-05-24

Source: naturalnews.com

(NaturalNews) In an exciting move in Washington, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) together have sponsored new federal legislation that requires the labeling of all genetically engineered food in the U.S. The Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act is the first national labeling bill to be introduced in Congress since 2010. U.S. citizens have demonstrated overwhelming support to label GMO foods in this country. Jeffrey Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology, has argued that GMO labeling could bring an end to the dangerous growth of GMOs. Genetically modified foods have consistently been shown to be dangerous to health in studies conducted by independently funded researchers. It is time for the U.S. to join other industrialized nations in their mandatory labeling policies.

Federal Labeling Bill enjoys widespread support

On April 24th, the new Federal Labeling Bill was proposed with the support of nine senators and 22 representatives. The bipartisan labeling bill has been supported by over 100 organizations and businesses including the Environmental Working Group, Just Label It, the Center for Environmental Health, and Lundberg Family Farms. This bill follows the passage last month of an amendment to the Senate budget resolution to require the labeling of GE fish.

Overwhelming majority of citizens are demanding GMO labeling

Consistently nearly 95 percent of American have demonstrated support for GM labeling. In October 2011, the Center for Food Safety filed a legal petition with the FDA to require labeling of all food produced using genetic engineering. In 2012, 55 members of Congress wrote a letter to FDA commissioner Hamburg in support of the petition. Over one million public comments have been submitted to the FDA supporting the CFS’s legal petition for labeling. This is the largest public response ever received by the FDA.

In response to consumers demand for labeling of GM foods, 37 GE food labeling bills have been introduced in 21 states in 2013. Hawaii, Washington, Indiana, Missouri and Vermont are among the states with bills pending.

An important grass roots effort is being made to fight GMOs with an international protest against Monsanto. US citizens are participating across the country on May 25th, joining with citizens around the world. See http://occupy-monsanto.com/ for additional information.

US must join the majority of industrialized nations that require labeling

Sixty four countries require labeling of GE foods including Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and the entire European Union. It is time for the US to label GMOs.

Genetically Engineered foods have no safety record

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine reports that "several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM foods". GE foods have been linked to infertility, GI issues, organ damage, insulin and immune dysfunction and death. Thousands of sheep, buffalo and goats grazing on GE cotton in India have died. See http://www.responsibletechnology.org/ for more details.

GMO labels can significantly end dangerous GMO growth

The US has a strong market economy that is very sensitive to consumer demand. If GMO labeling laws reduce demand for GMO labeled foods, the market will change to meet this demand. This can equate to less GMO foods and more safe GMO free foods for consumers.

Take action

Contact legislators and ask for their support for the New Federal Labeling Bill. See http://salsa3.salsalabs.com for more details. Join fellow citizens in the March against Monsanto on May 25th. Check http://occupy-monsanto.com/ for more information. There is an important momentum for GM labels and it is critical that citizen voices be heard.

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About the author:
Michelle Goldstein is a licensed clinical social worker working as a mental health therapist. She incorporates holistic approaches into her counseling practice. She is a mother who found a cure in the realm of alternative medicine for her 11 year old daughter diagnosed in 2008 with an "incurable disease". Her two year search involved tremendous research, experimentation, and consultation with over 12 different holistic practitioners. Ms. Goldstein is now passionate about alternative health care and the politics which impact it. She has finished her first draft of a comprehensive book on holistic health. Her hobbies include short interval running, swimming and walking.

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