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Bamboo Annals(竹書紀年) 
作者:[Xinfajia] 来源:[] 2008-07-12
摘要:The Bamboo Annals is one of the three most important ancient texts on early China, the others being the earlier Zuo Zhuan and the later Shiji.


The Bamboo Annals (Chinese character: 竹書紀年; Pinyin: Zhúshū Jìnián) is a chronicle of ancient China. It begins at the earliest legendary times (Huangdi) and extends to the Warring States Period (5th century BC-221 BC), particularly the history of the Wei State. It has 13 sections.

The original text was interred with the king of Wei (died 296 BC) and re-discovered in AD 281. For this reason, the chronicle survived the great burning of the books by Emperor Shi Huangdi.The Bamboo Annals is one of the three most important ancient texts on early China, the others being the earlier Zuo Zhuan and the later Shiji.

The first example presents the events during the reign of the last Shang king ("Zhow"), and the defeat of the House of Shang by the new Zhou Dynasty. The second example shows a highlight of the Warring States period, when the three houses of Zhao, Wei, and Han ("Hann") took over more and more political responsibility and subdued the state of Jin. 
 Exemplary  translation:


Di Xin, (the last ruler of Shang)
His first name was Shou; this was Zhow; he is also called Shouxin. In his first year, which was a jihai year (1101 BC), when he came to the throne, he dwelt in Yin. He gave appointments to the Marquis of Jiu (or Chou 仇), Zhou (the Marquis of Zhou was the Chief of the West 西伯, Ji Chang 姬昌), and Yu.
3rd year, a sparrow produced a hawk.
4th year, he had a great hunting in Li. He invented the punishment of roasting.
5th year, summer, he built the tower of Nandan. There was a shower of earth in Bo.
6th year, the Chief of the West offered sacrifice for the first time for his ancestors in Bi.
9th year, the royal forces attacked the state of Su, and brought away Princess Daji (not: Danji!) as a captive. The king made an apartment for her, with walls of carnation stone, and the doors all-adorned with gems.
10th year, summer, 6th month, he hunted in the western borders.
17th year, the Chief of the West smote the Di tribes. In the winter, the king made a pleasure excursion to Ji.
21st year, spring, 1st month, the feudal lords went to Zhou to do homage. Boyi and Shuqi betook themselves to Zhou from Guzhu.
22nd year, winter, he had a great hunting along the Wei River.
23rd year, he imprisoned the Chief of the West in Youli.
29th year, he liberated the Chief of the West, who was met  by many of the feudal lords, and escorted back to Cheng.
30th year, spring, 3rd month, the Chief of the West lead the feudal lords to the court with their tributes.
31st year, the Chief of the West began to form a regular army in Bi, with Lü Shang as its commander.
32nd year, there was a conjunction of the five planets in Fang. A red crow lighted on the altar to the spirits of the land of Zhou. The people of Mi invaded Ruan, when the Chief of the West led a force against Mi.
33rd year, the people of Mi surrendered to the army of Zhou, and were removed to Cheng. The King granted power to the Chief of the West to punish and attack offending states on his own discretion.
34th year, the forces of Zhou took Qi and Yu; and then attacked Chong, which surrendered. Winter, 12th month, the Kunyi people overran Zhou.
35th year, great famine in Zhou. The Chief of the West removed from Cheng to Feng.
36th year, spring, 1st month, the feudal lords went to the court at Zhou; and then they smote the hordes of the Kunyi. The Chief of the West made his heir-son Fa build the capital Hao.
37th year, Zhou built a royal college.
39th year, the great officer Xinjia fled to Zhou.
40th year, Zhou erected the Soul Terrace (Lingtai). The King sent Jiao Li to seek for gems in the territory of Zhou.
41st year, spring, 3rd month, Chang, the Chief of the West (later called King Zhou Wenwang), died (; he was buried in Bi).
42nd year, Fa, the Chief of the West (later King Zhou Wuwang), obtained the Vermillion Book from Lü Shang. A girl changed into a man.
43rd year, spring, the King of Shang had a grand review. Part of Mount Yao fell down.
44th year, Fa, the Chief of the West, smote Li.
47th year, the recorder of the interior, Xiang Zhi, fled to Zhou.
48th year, the ominous Yi goat was seen. Two suns appeared together.
51st year, winter, 11th month, day wuzi, the army of Zhou crossed the Mengjin Ford; but returned. The King of Shang imprisoned the Viscount of Ji, and put Prince Bigan to death; the Viscount of Wei fled away (to Zhou).
52nd year, (gengyin), Zhou made its first attack on Yin (Shang). In the autumn, the army of Zhou camped in the plain of Xian. In the winter, 12th month, the army of Zhou made offerings to the Highest Deity. The men of Yong, Shu, Qiong, Wu, Wei, Lu, Peng, and Pu joined the Zhou army to attack Yin (Shang).
From the time when Tang the Great destroyed the Xia Dynasty down to the time of King Shou, there ruled 29 kings of the Shang Dynasty, for 496 years.

King Weiliewang of Zhou (ruled 425-402 BC)
[...] 6th year, Qin Ying, a great officer of Jin, murdered Duke You of Jin in the Lofty Chamber (Gaoqin), when Marquis Wen of Wei raised Zhi, the son of duke You, to the dukedom.
7th year, Viscount Xian of Zhao walled Xuanshi; Viscount Wu of Hann made his capital in Pingyang.
8th year, the state of Zhao walled the city of Ping.
9th year, the people of Chu attacked our south border as far as Shangluo.
11th year, Jusi, a son of the ducal head of the house of Tian, attacked Handan, and besieged the city of Ping. The fiefdom of Yuyue extinguished the state of Teng.
12th year, Zhugou, the Viscount of Yuyue, attacked Tan, and carried off captive its viscount Gu.
14th year, Zhugou, the Viscount of Yuyue, died, and was succeeded by his son Yi.
16th year, Tian Pan of Qi fought near Ping with Han Ju of Handan, when the forces of Handan were defeated and put to flight, and Tian Pan took Han Ju prisoner, and captured the city of Ping, and Xincheng.
17th year, Marquis Wen of Wei invaded Qin as far as Zheng, and on his return built Fenyin and Heyang. Viscount Tian Daozi died; and Tian Bu put to death his great officer Gongsun Sun. Gongsun Hui took possession of Linqiu, and rebelled against Zhao. Tian Bu laid siege to Linqiu, to the rescue of which came Di Jiao, Kong Xie of Zhao, and the army of Hann, who fought with Tian Bu near the marsh of Long, defeated him, and put him to flight.
18th year, the King ordered the Viscounts Jing of Hann and Lie of Zhao, and our forces, to attack the state of Qi; when we penetrated within the Long Wall of Qi.
23rd year; the King of Zhou conferred on the nobles of Jin, each of the heads of the houses of Wei, Zhao, and Hann, the title of a feudal lord.
24th year; King Zhou Weiliewang deceased.

· 陆寿筠:同龄五少举火把 掀开迷雾揭狼心(主部·第二章)
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