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好莱坞导演Alex S. Gabor致新法家总编辑的一封信 
作者:[Alex S. Gabor] 来源:[] 2007-11-13
Dear Zhai,
That article on globalization(http://www.chinausfriendship.com/article1.asp?mn=103) is one of the best I have read in a very long time. Do you mind if I edited it and re-published it here in America? I have also added my questions and comments in bold blue CAP letters.
I would find out where you got this information "During the Carter Administration, the President, Vice-President, the Assistant for National Security Affairs to the President, the Secretary of State, the Defense Secretary, and the Treasury Secretary were all members of the Trilateral Commission".
Peace, love and good will to all China and her people,
Alex S. Gabor
Alex S. Gabor is a writer and film director living in North Hollywood. His film, “The Penny King”, based on a true story of a real life character is in full production in Los Angeles. The Penny King is a fictional character and this article is not in any way intended to incite violence or any type of criminal act on the part of any human being. Photos are courtesy of Alex S. Gabor Syndicate. All World Rights Reserved. This article is published by permission of the author who retains all copy rights under the First Amendment and CopyrightLlaws of the United States of America.

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