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AIG Shareholders Class Action Amended to Include Geithner, Paulson and Cox as Defendants
A Post-Superpower U.S.A.
Some Firms Cut Costs Without Resorting to Layoffs
Obama vs. McCain: Who are robbing whom?
Greenspan's sins return to haunt us
Olympics and Opium Wars
The Three Strategies of Master Yellow Stone(黃石公三略)
The Methods of the Minister of War(司馬法 )
Bamboo Annals(竹書紀年)
Li Si: the most influential Prime Minister in China
Huainanzi(The Masters of Huainan,淮南子)
Han Feizi and his main philosophies
Guan Zhong---Prime Minister of Qi State of Ancient China
Beyond Religion
Classical Chinese Philosophy: Basic Categories(1)
Tibetan Riot of 2008
Taoism Part 1--- Ageless Wisdom for A Modern World
Sex in Ancient China
Du You and his encyclopedia on Chinese laws, regulations
Shenzi (Master Shen) and his book
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